Digital Certificates are the best way to secure your site and make your customers feel secured to do transactions or any other. So are you looking for a reliable digital certificates to secure your website from being hacked or to provide high quality trust to your reader/customers..? If yes, then I would immediately say to <click on this link> takes to Elisesom SSL homepage and make a purchase of your SLL certificates from Elisesom.
10% Off on Elisesom SSL Digital Certificates
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Coupon: BR77117
Elisesom is best at their services as well customer support. Elisesom offers very good reliable charges getting your SSL certificate with your pocket money. Thawte is VeriSign Company. It was one of the world’s best company in selling digital certificates worldwide. The best part of this is, most dependable brand which offers customer friendly digital services.
You get two advantages for getting Thawte SSL Certificate from Elisesom,
1. Website is highly secured
2. Very high customer level comfort
As Elisesom always tries their best to provide their services at low cost and high quality, Elisesom offers 4 packages for SSL Digital Certificates.
SSL 123
This is starter as well as cheaper. If an individual is looking for a basic SSL certificate that provides basic validation and authentication, then we recommend to try SSL 123 is the package of his requirement. It is the best package for setting up a basic web presence. This package is priced at an affordable range of Rs. 1,649 per year and Rs. 2,899 for two years.
Web Server Cert
If an individual is looking to give priority to customer security then Web Server Cert is best package for your SSL Certificate. Customer feels a greater level of comfort. Along with keeping information submitted by the customer privately, they also guarantee them of the Individual’s corporate identity. Being a superior package it is priced at Rs. 5,899 per year and Rs 10,299 per two years.
SGC Super Cert
Adding little more features and increasing little more security to the services provided in SGC Super Cert when compared to Web Server Cert, this package also offers setup-up functionally. This SSL certificate is best for the individuals who run an e-commerce business. This terrific SGC Super Cert package is available in two days on spending Rs. 12,899 per year and Rs. 22,799 per two years. The only disadvantage in this certificate is you won’t be able to secure your multiple hosts/sub domains.
WildCard Server Cert
The only difference when compared to SGC Super Cert and WildCard Server Cert is WildCard Server Certificate permits to secure multiple hosts. Where as SGC Super Cert don’t offer securing multiple hosts. You also don’t get Setup functionally feature in WildCard Server Certificate. This package is Priced at Rs. 22,999 per year, it secures individual’s website and the sub-domains with a single certificate. This package is best for individual’s having multiple sub-domains on their website.
So after an individual obtains one of the above packages mentioned, a Thawte trusted Site Seal is displayed on their websites. This seal acts as a assurance for customers/visitors of the site. This seal is recognized world-wide as a premium certification authority.
Below are the pricing table you see at Elisesom. 10 % Off on SSL Certificate Coupon Code is tagged to Buy Now button below.
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